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Image by Sigmund

Spiritual Development

Everyone is welcome to be part of Prince of Peace spiritual development programs.

You do not need to be a member of the church to participate.​

2025 - Jesus Heals!

A Class led by Rev. Dottie LaPenta


“Your faith has made you well.” What did Jesus mean when he spoke these words? Is healing dependent on the strength of one’s faith or the power of the healer? We depend on modern medicine and medical competency. What role, if any, does faith play in healing? When illness, disease or mental and spiritual anguish come into our lives, we seek healing. We want to be free from pain, suffering and the anxiety of uncertainty and we ask questions: “Why me?” “Why now?”

Rev. Dottie LaPenta leads an online Bible Study that will read some of the healing stories in Luke’s Gospel and delve into the question of how faith and healing are interwoven while focusing on the scripture passages.​​

If you cannot attend the live zoom class, the recording will be posted here each week.

Zoom Recording from Week 1 - Feb. 5, 2025

Fall 2024 - A Study of Exodus Class

Yahweh's Children: Freed, Claimed, and Called: A Bible study of the Book of Exodus.


The story of the Exodus, how God liberated a bunch of slaves in Egypt, made them into the people of Israel, and led them to the Promised Land is a foundational narrative for both Jews and Christians alike, and has even informed secular American culture in a whole variety of ways. Pastor Elizabeth will be leading an exploration of this essential text, covering a few chapters a week on Sundays starting Sept. 8th at 4:00 – 5:30 pm with a zoom option. Contact the church office if you'd like to attend! No biblical expertise required.​


Class one- The Story of Moses - Ch. 1-2

Class two- The Call of Moses – Ch. 3-6

Class three- The Plagues- Ch. 7-10

Class four- The Passover that Leads to Freedom- Ch. 11-13

Class five- Miracles in the Desert- Ch. 14-18

Class six- The Covenant at Sinai- Ch. 19, 24, 25

Class seven- The Ten Commandments Part 1- Ch. 20:1-7

Class eight- The Ten Commandments Part 2- Ch. 20-8-17

Class nine- The Golden Calf- Ch. 32-33

Class ten- The Covenant Restored- Ch. 34, 39:32-43; 40:16-38

*Faith 5

 Faith 5 is a program designed to strengthen our faith, knowledge of Scripture, and connections to the church community through inter-generational spiritual development. Each worship service at Prince of Peace focuses on passages of scripture--these passages are read out loud and explicated upon in the sermon.

In some ways, they function as the spiritual core of the service.  In our FAITH5 discussion group we invite you to read, reflect upon, and discuss the week's scriptural passage BEFORE worship, with the expectation that worship service will be more meaningful and engaging if you have an opportunity to ponder these texts beforehand.  Those interested participating in FAITH 5 are invited at 9:00 am via Zoom.  Contact the church office for the zoom information. 


Faith 5 steps are:
1) Share your highs and lows,
2) Read a Bible verse or story,
3) Discuss how the Bible reading might relate to your highs and lows,
4) Pray for one another’s highs and lows, and
5) Bless one another


2024 “SOUP & SCRIPTURE” Lenten Bible Study

"Reformed and Ever Reforming: An Exploration of Evolving Understandings of Christ's Saving Work on the Cross"

by Rev. Elizabeth D. McLean & Rev. Dottie LaPenta


Have you ever been asked if you are saved? Have you ever wondered what that even means, or what it means to be counted among the "chosen"? If the answer is "yes," (or if you take these ideas for granted), you are encouraged to explore these core Christian concepts and draw closer to Christ.


Participants will learn about two core Christians concepts, the Doctrine of Atonement, that Jesus saved us by dying for our sins on the cross, and the Doctrine of Election, that we are "chosen" by God for salvation. We'll explore how these understandings originally developed, how they have been used and abused by Christians through the ages, and why some modern Christians now say it's time to understand what Jesus did for humanity on the cross in new ways. You don't need to be a Bible scholar, theologian, or lifelong disciple to participate.

Class One - 2/21/24

Class Two

Class Three

Class Four -no recording

Class Five

Earth Care Lenten Devotional!

Presbyterians for Earth Care's 2017 Lenten Devotional focused on Water, ". . . reflect[ing] on what it means to do the work of justice in our own watersheds. Revelation reminds us that rivers are the water of life, and the trees that grow in our watersheds heal. May these reflections inspire you in the journey to the cross during this Lenten season." These words are still relevant as we focus on our new Water mission and can guide us through the season of Lent. 

Fall 2023 'Science & Faith' Class

As 21st Century Christians, we live in two worlds, the world explained to us by science, and the world explained to us by the Bible and our faith. Are these two worlds in conflict? Some think so, some do not. What can we learn from both of these worldviews? Pastor Elizabeth and Elder Mark Weadon lead a 7-week class exploring the intersection of faith and science. Together we will explore everything from the origins and nature of the universe and the Earth, to the seat of consciousness and the soul, to the different ways to understand miracles and the supernatural, and the implications of AI and technology for our faith. 


Classes are posted on Facebook after each week's class!

Join here -->


2023 “SOUP & SCRIPTURE” Lenten Bible Study 

"Those Who Said 'Yes' to Christ's Call: The Saints and Sinners in our Spiritual Ancestry and in Us" by Rev. Elizabeth D. McLean & Rev. Dottie LaPenta


Sometimes modern Christians think that those who followed Jesus were chosen because they were exceptionally faithful or special. But they were just like us! They had great spiritual gifts and just as many growing edges. In this Lenten series, we will be learning more about what the New Testament and early tradition record about some of Jesus' first disciples and followers, and in the process, exploring the ways in which we behave like them today. Which of these spiritual ancestors do you take after the most: Peter, Nathaniel, Thomas, Mary Magdalene, Prisca, Lydia, or others?  Come to feast, learn, and be strengthened in your discipleship.


DISCIPLES IN THE INNER CIRCLE: Peter, James, John, Mary (mother of Jesus), Mary and Martha, Lazarus

Session Two - EVANGELISTS, ENCOURAGERS, AND EQUIPPERS:  Andrew, Barnabas, Matthias, Joanna, Susanna, Mary (wife of Cleopas), Joseph of Arimathea, Lydia

Session Three - SCHOLARS, MANAGERS, AND  SPOKESPEOPLE:  Nathaniel, Thomas, Philip, Priscilla, Phoebe

Session Four - OUTCASTS AND OUTLIERS:  Matthew, Mary Magdalene, “Three-word” disciples: James the Lesser, Simon the Zealot, Judas (not Iscariot)

Session Five - MARTYRS FOR A CAUSE:  Judas Iscariot, Stephen, Paul

Advent 2022 Class â€‹

During the seasons of Advent/ Christmas/Epiphany, Parish Associate Dottie LaPenta will be leading a study on HOPE. In a time when the Stewardship campaign focused on HOPE FOR THE FUTURE and with the anticipation of the season which celebrates Christ’s coming as the hope of the world, what better season to reflect on hope? Yet, we live in a time when it’s not easy to maintain hope. 

We will be studying MaryAnn McKibben Dana’s book, “Hope: A User’s Manual”. It is not required to have the book, but her writing, reflections and questions will be the basis for the study so the book is highly recommended. What does it mean to have a user’s manual on hope? Dottie asked the same question and came away from studying this book with lots of helpful and inspiring guidance. 

Check POP events page for dates and times!

No Zoom Recording from Week 1 - Nov 30, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 2 - Dec 7, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 4 - Dec 21, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 3 - Dec 14, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 5 - Jan 4, 2023

Zoom Recording from Week 6 - Jan 11, 2023

Fall 2022 Class Series “The History and Making of the Bible”

Presented by Pastor Elizabeth D. McLean.

Join POP with a class on the fascinating history of how our most sacred text was created. We explore the basic biblical narrative and when and how the texts were written and edited, translation issues, canonization criteria, what texts were left out, and why we have so many English translations today.

Classes are recorded and posted here.

*There is no Zoom Recording from Week 2 - Sept 28, 2022*

Zoom Recording from Week 1 - Sept 20, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 3 - Oct 4, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 4 - Oct 11, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 5 - Oct 18, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 6 - Oct 25, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 7 - Nov 1, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 8 - Nov 8, 2022

Zoom Recording from Week 9 - Nov 15, 2022

Online text needed for Week 10, Nov 22

"Presbyterian Understanding and Use of Holy Scripture"

Zoom Recording from Week 10 - Nov 22, 2022

​*Bible Lessons for Young Children – Sunday School is held during worship after the children are dismissed from "Time with Young Christians." We have a class for elementary school-aged children (K-4th).  The lessons are taken from PCUSA’s Growing in Grace and Gratitude.  For children not able to attend in person, the story reading and description of the related craft activity are recorded and posted to the church’s Facebook page. We also have a short Bible lesson for preschool children (ages 3-5), followed by playtime in the Nursery.


*Youth Group – “God Squad” is for 5th through 12 graders.  The group meets about once a month. Emphasis is on fellowship and service to the church and community.


*Book Club - The POP Deacons host a monthly book group on the second Monday of the month.  A variety of fiction and nonfiction books are discussed.  Email the church office at to join the group!


*All Ages - ​Prince of Peace also offers classes on particular topics for all. These classes are taught by Pastor Elizabeth and other teachers and all relate to spiritual development through Christian learning. Stay tuned for upcoming topics and meeting times. 

During the season of Lent, a particular series of classes are offered (typically) Wednesday nights in our Soup and Scripture series.


  • Pastor Elizabeth offers occasional classes on Tuesday mornings. See Events for any current offerings. Email the church office to view Pastor Elizabeth’s The God Who Liberates Fall 2020 class recordings!

  • Click here to view the notes of Mark Weadon’s Fall 2021 class Biblical Places: the Geography of the Holy Land and Beyond
    Class 1 - Biblical Geography 101—the Lay of the Land

       Class 2 – The Paths of the Patriarchs

       Class 3 – The Promised Land and its Neighbors

       Class 4 – The Topography of Jesus’ Ministry - The Walk He Walked

       Class 5 – The Urban Geography of Jerusalem

       Class 6 - Footsteps of the Apostles


Biblical Places Class picture.PNG

Every Sunday before worship, you are invited to participate in a discussion of the lectionary readings.  These discussions are intended to deepen our understanding of the scriptural passages and to enhance our following worship experience.

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