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Oct 1, 2022
A Place at the Table - Oct 2 World Communion Sunday
God is always adding places and crying out there is more room because God has enough grace and love for everybody. That tells us, God’s...
Sep 24, 2022
Pride, Prejudice, and Praise
But if we broaden our understanding of miracles, then his is not the only miracle in the story. It was a miracle that a captured slave...
Sep 17, 2022
Is It Worth It?
"Jesus said this because he realized that many of the people following him around were seeking miracles or bread or comfort of one kind...
Sep 10, 2022
Trusting the Shepherd
God, like a zealous shepherd, cares about all of the sheep, not just the easy well-behaved ones. Luke 15:1-10; 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Link:...
Sep 3, 2022
Lessons in Clay
So, for all who feel good enough as they are, the lesson of the potter and the clay is more challenging than comforting. God will not...
Aug 27, 2022
We are not surrounded by prison walls, but by divine grace. Wherever we go, no matter how twisty the roads or how lost or frustrated we...
Aug 20, 2022
When the Best of Intentions Create the Worst Witness
The Kingdom of God was never intended to be a political kingdom human beings built through force. The Kingdom which Jesus proclaimed in...
Aug 14, 2022
Let Loose!
What do you choose? Are you resigned to being crushed and bent by certain things in your life forever because they have crushed and bent...
Aug 6, 2022
Mind the Gap
People of faith have long struggled with how to be faithful in non-hypocritical ways. That means that we can at least learn from their...
Jul 30, 2022
The wise recognize that the only real lasting and powerful source of security we have in this world is God. To make anything or anyone...
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