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Apr 8, 2023
April 9 - Easter - Gardener Divine
"We, too, can live in the Garden, because we are as much a part of Christ’s new creation as Mary was." 2 Corinthians 5:17-19; John...

Apr 5, 2023
The Answer to our Questions: In His Own Words (Maundy Thursday)
“I am the way.” He meant that he was going to do the saving, so they didn’t have to worry about doing the right things to save themselves...

Apr 1, 2023
Who is He and Who are We Really? (Palm Sunday)
We who were born after the Resurrection know what the right answers to the “Who is he?” question should be. Yet when it comes to how we...

Mar 25, 2023
The Ones Whom Jesus Loved
How can we go on in the midst of suffering and grief? How do we know God cares? John’s answer: we go on by turning to Jesus who was God...

Mar 18, 2023
From Outer Sight to Insight
Life is life and at times it’s murky and messy. It was for the man in our story. So, how appropriate that Jesus reaches down into the...

Mar 12, 2023
Well of Souls
We cannot pass by Photini, therefore, without first asking ourselves who the marginalized people are in our day who need someone to tell...

Mar 5, 2023
How Do We Get There?
For centuries, Christians have made this a text about what they have to do in order to get into heaven. In the process, all they have...

Feb 26, 2023
Who is Whispering in Your Ear?
Our calling is to serve not to be served, to draw attention to God not to ourselves, and to empower others rather than have power over...
Feb 22, 2023
Phase One (Ash Wednesday)
But the ashes are only phase one. First, we acknowledge our need for grace, then phase two is about embracing it and being transformed by...
Feb 19, 2023
Mountain Fires and Morning Stars
We are uneasy talking about our faith, not wanting to appear foolish or be associated with the kind of Christians who proselytize in ways...
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