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Jun 17, 2023
June 18 Standing on the Promises, Part 2: The Abrahamic Covenant and the Providence of God
As descendants of Abraham and Sarah, their blessing is also our blessing, since we now know of God through them and can travel with God...

Jun 10, 2023
Standing on the Promises, Part 1: The Noahic Covenant and the Promise of Divine Forgiveness
In other words, the Noahic covenant is grounded in a promise of divine forgiveness, a promise that God will get Creation to the state God...

Jun 3, 2023
We (Trinity Sunday)
Jesus, who was a good Jew, believed as we do that there is only one God. So, there was a period early in the Church when Christians...

May 27, 2023
The Language of Pentecost
The great miracle of the Pentecost story is that language was inclusive. That’s how accessible God wants to be to us. Of course, there...

May 20, 2023
The Time to Act is Now
The anxiety of potential affects everyone, regardless of age, background, or creed. But God told me and as today’s text advise, you can...

May 13, 2023
Soul Searching
We are nepheshes, living souls created by God, inseparable in body, mind, and spirit, made to serve God’s purposes and through Christ, to...
May 6, 2023
Remember also, that you are here because the Holy Spirit has a mantle in mind for you. Even if you are busy, even if you feel...

Apr 29, 2023
Burning Hearts and Minds
This is a story filled with good news, especially for the brokenhearted. God is with us in the risen Christ even when we don’t realize...

Apr 22, 2023
Consider the Birds (Earth Day)
Today, I want us to think about the theological lessons taught by just three birds: the dove, the eagle, and the vulture. Job 12:7-10;...

Apr 15, 2023
51-71% Sure
But for the day-to-day challenges of life, don’t worry about your doubts; they are not shameful. Just strive not to let them become an...
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