Jun 22Faith Amidst Scorpions and StormsIt makes us ask why, if Jesus had the power of God, and used it to still the storm which threatened his first disciples, does he not also still our storms in the same way?Mark 4:35-41; Ezekiel 2:1-7Link: https://www.facebook.com/popchurch.org/videos/1154953502511402/ 240623 Faith in the Midst of Scorpions and Storms.pdfDownload PDF • 300KB
It makes us ask why, if Jesus had the power of God, and used it to still the storm which threatened his first disciples, does he not also still our storms in the same way?Mark 4:35-41; Ezekiel 2:1-7Link: https://www.facebook.com/popchurch.org/videos/1154953502511402/ 240623 Faith in the Midst of Scorpions and Storms.pdfDownload PDF • 300KB