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At Prince of Peace we believe that we are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, so all of our ministries are designed to help us in our discipleship in some way.


Disciple means “student,” which means we all are constantly learning more about God, ourselves, and our calling. Our Spiritual Growth ministries strive to offer a variety of interesting and engaging classes and programs for all ages on the Bible, theology, church history, social justice, mission, and more. Some of these programs are on Sunday mornings before or during worship, others are offered at different times during the week depending on the time of year. Learn more about Spiritual Development, what is currently being offered, and how you can get involved. You do not need to be a member of the church to attend the classes and programs we offer.

Worship is our opportunity to give glory to God, learn more about God’s word, and connect with God and one another. Our services are designed to feed our minds and spirits and strengthen us in our discipleship. Click here to learn about our worship services and music ministries.

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Jesus called us to be the Body of Christ for the world. Prince of Peace is a “missional church,” which means that we ground our identity and purpose in this calling. Our members serve Christ by serving our neighbors in a variety of ways. Explore our Missions at POP and learn more about how you can make a difference in the lives of others and share the love of God in the process.

In our church we take care of one another in good times and bad through our Board of Deacons and its ministries, as well as our support of outside ministries of care which meet in our facilities. Check out our Pastoral Care to find out more about how to find the help and hope you need.

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