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What characterizes Prince of Peace?

Our congregation is a multi-generational community made up of people from all walks of life and every stage of faith. We are united by our love for God, and our common commitment to serving in Jesus’ name. We are small in number but mighty in our care for one another and our mission in the world. You will feel welcome here.


What is your Mission?

As a Church we strive to live as “a provisional demonstration of the Kingdom of God on earth.” That means that through the way that we worship, care for one another, and serve those in need in the world we strive to proclaim the truth of God’s grace, embody God’s love for all people, and point to God’s future with hope. We are committed to demonstrating an alternative to the world’s ways of fear, judgement, and despair.


When do you worship?


Worship takes place on Sundays at 10:30 am.* The service usually lasts about an hour or an hour and fifteen minutes. Dress in whatever makes you comfortable. Some people wear dresses and suits; others come in casual clothes. We encourage families to worship together.


*Our worship services are evolving as the pandemic is. Check the "worship and music" tab under "ministries" for current protocols, or contact the church office. If safe to do so we typically offer hybrid worship (both online and in person) now. But sometimes may need to be 100% virtual for everyone's safety. Nursery care is also currently affected by the pandemic. Online worship can be accessed through this website or on Prince of Peace's Facebook page.


What style of worship do you offer?

On most Sundays it is primarily a traditional service with organ, piano, bells and performed music, although services sometimes include contemporary music by video too.  (During the pandemic our choir has had to record their anthems for people's safety rather than sing them live.) We celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper monthly (usually on the first Sunday of the month). We use gluten-free bread and juice instead of wine so all can participate. You do not need to be a church member or Presbyterian to partake.


Making Worship Meaningful:


In order to strengthen our discipleship and make Sunday worship more meaningful, we invite those in our church to adopt a voluntary practice at home called “Faith 5,” a daily devotional exercise that involves sharing personal highs and lows, reading the upcoming Scripture lessons for worship, answering some questions and discussing the texts together, praying for one another, and blessing one another. (See Spiritual Development.) Weekly e-blasts are sent out with the week’s biblical texts and questions. By making the Faith 5 devotions a part of your family life, your marriage, or your own personal study, you integrate the discipleship practices of Bible study, prayer, and pastoral support into your life and your children’s lives. It becomes a spiritual ritual that your children will come to expect, and that will help you stay connected to God. Those who do Faith 5 also come to Sunday worship having already “chewed” on the text instead of hearing it possibly for the first time, which makes worship more interesting. Faith 5 practice is entirely voluntary. We do not collect homework or ask anyone if they have done their work in worship. So visitors need not feel out of place.


What is your denomination?

We belong to the Presbyterian Church (USA), the largest of all the Presbyterian denominations in our country. We trace our history back to the Protestant Reformation in the 16th Century so our theology is called “the Reformed Tradition.” We are also called “a confessional church” because we draw on our heritage and affirm what we believe in worship. We are organized with a ruling board of elders, a minister (called a teaching elder), and deacons who care for the congregation. You can learn more about our denomination at


Do I have to be Presbyterian to attend?

No. Those in our congregation come from a variety of traditions. You do not need to be a member to participate in almost all of the activities of the church. Classes are offered periodically for those interested in learning more about Presbyterianism or becoming members.


Do you offer Bible Studies or Sunday School?

Yes we offer spiritual development opportunities for all ages. To encourage faith development at home as well as in church we offer a congregation-wide Faith 5 practice involving sharing, Bible study, prayer, and blessing. In addition to the family Faith 5 studies, we offer classes and small group studies. Some meet Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:00 am; others are on week days or evenings. Check the Spiritual Development page, or contact the church office to find out the current offerings. We also have a book group for adults that meets monthly on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 pm.


For older elementary and tweens, in addition to Faith 5, we offer opportunities to learn about discipleship through child-chosen service projects, and to learn about the Bible and faith through art, performing skits/plays in worship, and being a part of the worship leadership team. We do not currently offer a Sunday morning Sunday school class for older kids because we have found they learn better at other times through other interactive, discipleship formation experiences, especially through Faith 5, multi-generational worship, mission and youth group.  Our youth group, "the God Squad" meets twice a month for fellowship, study, mission and more. 


How can I meet people?

We like to support each other in the church. During the pandemic, we have not been able to have large fellowship events. But we have smaller mission activities which allow people to connect, as well as small groups, including men's and women's breakfasts monthly, a monthly book group, and fellowship groups called "Connections" groups. These are inter-generational groups which allow people to make friends and have deeper relationships than they can develop over coffee after church. 


Will I be welcomed if I am gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender or will I be publicly or secretly judged?

We believe all people are made in the image of God, straight and LGBTQIA people. If you come to our church you will be welcomed and loved as you are. You do not need to pretend to be something you are not. You are allowed to serve in all the ministries of the church and to be married if that is your calling. We know you are beloved to God, and look forward to getting to know you and discovering your God-given gifts.

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