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Ash Wednesday.png
*Ash Wednesday is March 5*

The Lenten journey from the ashes of death to Easter's celebration of the resurrected life begins on the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday. Come to POP to walk this journey with God and to draw closer to God. 

From 12:00 -12:30 pm, POP will host a 'drive-by' with the imposition of ashes

in the POP parking lot.

 Then at 7:30 pm, a service of the imposition of ashes will be held in the sanctuary 

and live-streamed on Facebook.  

All are welcome to join!

Welcome to Prince of Peace. We are a community gathered by God's grace sharing God's love with all.

All are welcome to join us for Sunday worship online and in person, at 10:30 a.m.


When in the building, masks are encouraged but not required. Although we are meeting in person again, worship services will continue to be live streamed on Facebook.


We Celebrate the Diversity of God’s Children 

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